Kraft Project




From release version 0.40 on either MySQL or SQLite may be used alternatively as a database storage for Kraft.

Setup Assistant - pick the database backend

At Krafts first start the configuration assistant is popped up automatically. You can choose between the databases upon your needs.

If you decide to use SQLite no further adjustments have to be done. Proceed to the next step.

If you decide to run Kraft on a MySQL database some preparations have to be done before connecting to the database.

The following steps describe how to set up the MySQL server to accept data connections from Kraft.

  1. Package installation: for obvious reasons the MySQL-server packages must be installed. Usually all need packages including those for dependencies can be installed via the packet management tool of the distribution. In almost all cases the words 'mysql' and 'server' are parts of the name of the packages.
  2. After installing the database server has to be launched. The way how this is done may vary among the distributions but in principle just a start script has to be executed. Under openSUSE type as user root rcmysql start on a terminal. In fedora this would be done by typing /etc/init.d/mysql start also as user root.
  3. Initially there is a default user root at the database server. Log in to the database server and create an empty database for Kraft:
      goofy@kraftmachine:~> mysql -u root -p
      Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MySQL connection id is 5
      Server version: 5.0.51a SUSE MySQL RPM

      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

  1. Now create an empty database for Kraft:
      mysql> CREATE DATABASE kraft;
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


That is all that has to be done to start. It is not a good idea to connect to the database as the root user as this user is privileged and may even destroy databases. For improved security a new kraft user with a password should be added to the database server. You may to this later when using Kraft in productive business.

Going on in the set-up assistant the host where the database server is running, the database user and the associated password has to be typed in the respective fields. Afterwards the data structure is set-up and filled with initial data.

Page: Main.BasicConfiguration - Last Modified : Mon, 10 May 10

Copyright 2009-2020 Klaas Freitag and the Kraft Team